The Marlotterie

Hiking advice - Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines

With the loop circuits of the Park, you can walk without a map by simply following the blue and white markings, checked regularly by our Soft Liaisons Technician. A departure panel for each circuit presents the route and its points of interest. You will discover the countryside landscapes of the Chevreuse Valley which have inspired painters and writers of all times, a charming village, prestigious castles, old mills, farms, fauna and flora.

Hiking Information

  • Difficulty
  • Duration ⌚
    • 1h
  • Range ↔
    • 5.9km

Description of the hike

Departure: Bois de Pinceloup, taking the road towards Sonchamp, small car park on the right at the 90° left turn.

Take the road again in the direction of Sonchamp, then at the level of the water tower, take the path on your left, then go straight down the path to the road. Go up the road to the D 27 where you turn left.

After crossing the parking lot, turn left on the road to Sonchamp. You walk along the pond, and immediately turn right. At the end of the road, at the fork, take the left path, then straight ahead.

The path will turn to the left then go up along a fence. Arrived at the top of the path on the GR turn left then always straight to the car park

Route La Marlotterie

Some photos – La Marlotterie

La Marlotterie 11 - Rambouillet Tourist Office
La Marlotterie 3 - Rambouillet Tourist Office
La Marlotterie 7 - Rambouillet Tourist Office
La Marlotterie 10 - Rambouillet Tourist Office