Submit event

Are you organizing an event in Rambouillet Territoires and would like to broadcast it? This space is made for you !

Activities with friends

Rambouillet Territoires hosts numerous events each year. We represent a land of celebrations, conviviality, shared moments thanks to the wealth of events organized by cities and associations.

See all the agenda

The Tourist Office is the interface between your events and the general public

We need all your information to feed the agenda on our website.
If your event takes place in Rambouillet Territoires, send us the complete information as well as a visual to the email address:
The posters sent will also be broadcast on the screen of our reception office in Rambouillet.

In your email, we thank you for sending us the following information: 

  • Event dates
  • Place of the event
  • Admission fees 
  • Description
  • Posters or photos to illustrate the animation in jpeg format, specifying the photo credit.

Upcoming events in Rambouillet Territoires

425 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Metal Fusions the treasures of an enthusiast

The Chapelle de Clairefontaine is hosting an exhibition of envelops for this new school year.

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707 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Exhibition “The wonderful world of insects”

The Ablis media library is hosting a new exhibition “The wonderful world of

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1000 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Vocal practice workshop

The Zartotalist Association offers you a vocal practice workshop.

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705 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Confetti is smeared

Confetti est barbouillée est un spectacle pour enfants, organisé par les “Jeudis

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668 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Theater behind the scenes

Behind the scenes, a room in the Grenier de la Rémarde in Bullion.

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708 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Schoolchildren's pancake

L’association Les Petits Ecoliers vous proposent une après midi sur le thème de

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1000 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Cultura Agenda creative course January/February

In January, let your creativity run free at Cultura Rambouillet!

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707 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Exhibition “The wonderful world of insects”

The Ablis media library is hosting a new exhibition “The wonderful world of

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1000 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Cultura Agenda creative course January/February

In January, let your creativity run free at Cultura Rambouillet!

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300 - Rambouillet Tourist Office

Conferences “Orientalisms (1799-1930): when France dreamed of the Orient, near or far

Series of conferences within the framework of the Inter-Age University.

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Announce an event - professional space