Tourist tax

Collect, declare and remit the tourist tax

What is the Tourist Tax?

Tourist tax

In accordance with article L2333-29 of the CGCT, “The tourist tax is established on people who are not domiciled in the municipality”.

The taxable person pays the tourist tax to the host who will then remit all of the taxes collected to the community on his behalf. 

The exemptions provided for by article L2333-31 of the CGCT upon presentation of proof are: 

  • minors
  • holders of a seasonal employment contract employed in the community
  • people benefiting from emergency accommodation or temporary rehousing.

What is the Tourist Tax used for?

All accommodation providers are affected by this collection as long as the stay is for a fee, whether you are a professional or not, even if it is your main residence. 

You receive the tourist tax at the rate in effect at the time of your stay and not on the date of reservation or payment of the rent. This tax must be collected before the departure of the people you are hosting for a fee, even if payment of the rent is deferred.

Who is the Tourist Tax for?

The revenue from the tourist tax is intended to encourage tourist visits to the community or for expenses relating to actions to protect and manage natural spaces for tourist purposes in our territory.

The 2024 rates of the Tourist Tax

For accommodation awaiting classification or not classified

The amount corresponds to 5% of the price per night and per occupant + additional tax included of 15% for the benefit of the Société du Grand Paris and 200% for the benefit of Ile-de-France Mobilités, according to the law of December 31, 2023 .

For classified accommodation

  • Palace
    • €14.49
  • 5 stars
    • €10.40
  • 4 stars
    • €7.88
  • 3 stars
    • €5.04
  • 2 stars
    • €3.15
  • 1 star
    • €2.52
  • Campground and caravan park classified as 3, 4 and 5 stars
    • €1.89
  • Camping and caravanning grounds classified as 1 and 2 stars
    • €0.63

You have a accommodation in Rambouillet Territoires?

Consult the Tourist Tax platform

The Tourist Tax declaration?

To declare your Tourist Tax, go to and click on “I declare my nights”. 

Enter your username (your email address) and your password then click “connect”.

Contact us

Tourist Office - Rambouillet office

A question about the Tourist Tax?

We are at your disposal