Each of the missions and implications of the Tourist Office are integrated into the overall Quality approach. Whether it's environmental actions, support for local craftsmen or welcoming tourists, the Tourist Office works to continuously improve its services to guarantee the best possible service.
We are committed to :
– To be the privileged interlocutor of any public wishing to obtain information on Rambouillet Territoires
– Identify and meet visitor expectations
– Improving the quality of service of travel advisors through personal and targeted support
– Make Rambouillet Territoires a unique destination with a marked and identifiable identity
– Become a major player in the promotion of the territory
– To be the privileged partner of all the actors of the destination in their own quality commitments.
– Support the local economy and cultural life
– Inform and promote the exceptional natural environments of southern Yvelines
– Jointly support the objectives of the Territory Project of the agglomeration as well as the ambitions of local tourism professionals
The Tourist Office adopts measures aimed at improving the quality of services:
– The Tourist Office is open every day in Rambouillet, to welcome you and inform you even on Sundays and public holidays from April to September
– It establishes a clear and recognizable communication for the attention of customers and the public
– He establishes a fluid and transparent internal communication system so that each member of his team is involved in the quality process
– It raises awareness and supports local tourism stakeholders through meetings of the Destination Quality Group
– It seeks to obtain quality certifications in the dual interest of guaranteeing and systematizing the improvement of its services
The Rambouillet Territoires Tourist Office is a member of the National DNA Tourism Federation, which brings together the territorial tourism institutions in France. In doing so, he undertakes to:
– Provide you with a reception area and an easily accessible information area.
– Facilitate your procedures.
– Offer you furniture to sit on.
– Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer.
– Offer you free access to wifi.
– Display and distribute its opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages.
– Display emergency telephone numbers outside.
– Update our displays
– Being open 240 days a year, Saturday and Sunday included, during tourist or entertainment periods.
– Respond all year round to your letters and e-mails.
– Provide a permanent reception service run by staff speaking at least two foreign languages.
– Ensure the supply of tourist maps, plans and tourist guides in paper form.
– Give you access to its trilingual website.
– Disseminate its tourist information on paper translated at least into two foreign languages and relative:
To all classified tourist accommodation including at least the name of the establishment, postal address, email, website address, telephone number, classification level
To monuments and cultural, natural or leisure tourist sites which may include an indication of the usage rates, periods and hours of opening to the public, the website and telephone and postal contact details
Events and entertainment
To emergency telephone numbers.
– Update its tourist information annually.
– Present all the qualified offer of its area of intervention for all customers.
– Process your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
– Guarantee the reliability and timeliness of information on the local tourist offer
In 2017, the Tourist Office obtained category II certification on the advice of the prefect. In doing so, it ensures:
– to offer a variety of services in addition to reception and information, its core activities
– to develop a targeted promotion policy
– to develop tools for listening and improving the quality of services
In 2020, the Office launched the procedures for moving to Category I.
Similarly, with the ambition of bringing about a quality global destination, the Tourist Office has developed a regular animation of the actors of the territory in order to sensitize them to the question of quality and in particular to obtaining this Tourism Quality Mark.
1 establishment with the Tourism Quality Mark label
La Maison Elsa Triolet-Aragon
Moulin de Villeneuve, Rue de Villeneuve
78730 Saint-Arnoult-en-Yvelines
01 30 41 20 15 – info@maison-triolet-aragon.com
The Tourist Office has two missions, the main one being to welcome and inform tourists, day trippers and the local population about the territory of the Rambouillet Territoires intermunicipality.
Its other mission is to enhance this territory and its local actors through the organization and promotion of events, relevant documentation and effective local dynamics.
Sustainable development is therefore a subject on which the Tourist Office can engage in its business operations (employee habits, economic systems used) and in the valuation it makes of the actors and the territory. (by promoting the actors themselves involved in approaches that respect one of the pillars of sustainable development, or by giving informed advice on gentle visit methods or fragile environments of intercommunality).
Rambouillet Territoires is an inter-municipality made up of thirty-six municipalities located in the south of the Yvelines department. It benefits from a particular diversity and natural wealth: it includes part of the national forest of Rambouillet, part of the Regional Natural Park of the Chevreuse Valley and the agricultural plateaus of Sonchamp and Ablis, as well as a rich built heritage. There are three Natura 2000 classified areas, nineteen Protected Biological Reserves, thirty-nine places listed or classified as Historic Monuments and forty-four Natural Areas of Floral and Fauna Ecological Interest.
Regarding the natural heritage, Rambouillet Territoires has many assets and places to enhance and protect. This is the theme most dealt with at the Tourist Office, but it does not forget the social and economic aspects.
The staff of the Tourist Office undertakes to use paper printing only if necessary and in a reasoned manner according to the needs: in priority on both sides, only the necessary pages, and in shades of gray rather than in color.
In addition, Office staff have access to recycled paper. It is in Tray 3 and can be set to “auto”. However, the use of this paper does not prevent the above rules from being observed.
The management of electronic messaging can be very impactful for the environment. It is very important to sort through your inbox and keep it empty as often as possible.
The staff of the Tourist Office undertakes to optimize the electronic mail to which it has access, in order to avoid a mass of useless storage on the servers and the network of the intercommunality and the Internet.
It is possible and recommended to establish rules for your mail: thus, each email received will be automatically archived or stored in a specific folder and can be treated in an organized manner. Rules also make it possible to program the deletion of too old emails from certain folders.
You should also make sure to empty the trash regularly.
Finally, the archiving of important emails is recommended in order to reduce their carbon footprint on the server or the network. Good archiving also makes it easier to find and consult old emails, if necessary.
The staff of the Tourist Office is committed to reducing the amount of waste they produce at work (limiting disposable meal packaging, for example) and to monitoring the sorting of existing waste.
To date, a distinction is only made between paper and household waste. The paper must be placed in the pink box at reception or in the blue bin in the back office, which must be emptied regularly into the dedicated Place de la Liberation container. The Quality Referent can take on this task so as not to harm the organization of the reception staff.
The staff of the Tourist Office is committed to reducing its water and energy costs. This includes, among other things: lowering the heating to ECO when the staff leaves the room in which they work and when it is ventilated, turning off the lights if they are not necessary and turning off the computers during the break -lunch and evening (the screen too, avoid the day before), turn off the tap while soaping the hands in the toilets and in the kitchen, close the access door to the entrance between the reception and the back office …
In addition, the lighting of the offices is done by bulbs whose intensity is adjustable and therefore the energy consumption is adaptable to each moment of the day. The toilet light is automatic and turns off after a few minutes.
The management of the Tourist Office is committed to favoring the purchase of natural cleaning products or products certified by a responsible brand.
The Rambouillet Territoires agglomeration provides electric vehicles to make the necessary trips on the territory. Use them as soon as possible.
Staff are made aware of environmental issues when they join the company. In addition, he tries to be observant on his methods of travel: carpooling and soft transport if possible.
The promotion of actors committed to sustainable development.
From 2022, the Tourist Office will highlight the labels, brands and certifications linked to sustainable development (accessibility for people with disabilities, eco-responsibility, etc.) acquired by the territory's social professionals in its brochure and its website.
The Product Choice Policy present in the Marketing Strategy, in terms of the store, involves researching and promoting the most local products possible. The manufacture of the objects on sale is European or even French and at best, intermunicipal. These products are enhanced by a specific French or local logo.
Not only does this support the local economy and artisans, but it also gives the Tourist Office an image with a very marked and specific territorial identity.
On the occasion of Destination Quality Groups and annual meetings of tourism stakeholders, the theme of sustainable development can be addressed to raise awareness of the area's stakeholders on this issue. The Tourist Office accompanies them if necessary in certification or improvement procedures.
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